I will try to wash my hair more often. Or at all.
I will try to get outside more. At least once a day. Even on those deep winter days with Scandinavian levels of darkness and a doomy vibe. Especially on those days.
I will exercise. Or do an exercise, by February. Or at some point.
Pelvic floor. Pelvic Floor. Pelvic Floor.
I will try not to have four cups of coffee and no breakfast and then get to 1pm and wonder why I feel sick.
I will try to watch fewer than three episodes of Gilmore Girls per day. And maybe have a documentary or something on in the background so I can passively learn about Octopi.
I will try to go to more baby classes and make friends with other women who have babies. Even if the only thing we have in common is that we have babies. And even if I’ve semi-forgotten how to talk to an adult.
I will try to take a picture every day, so I can do one of those look-at-her-changing-over-time montages at the end of next year that people do that are really cute. I’ve seen it mostly with Bernese mountain dogs, but a baby one could be cool.
I will not take it personally when people assume I am breastfeeding.
I will not rush. Everything takes longer when you rush. And you drop more stuff. Which the dog then nabs and will only give back for ham. And you think he might have learned to nab things just so he can have the ham.
On that note, spend more time with the dog. He's had a tough year realising he's not the only baby in the universe.
I will not feel shame about the changes to my body that have taken place so that I could bring a beautiful baby into the world.
I will not feel guilty if I have spent a whole day simply staring at her.
I will remember that I am still a person who has things to offer out in the world. And because I am taking time to be with my baby, it does not mean I will never create things or finish projects or chase dreams ever again. I know this. But I will try to know it harder.
I will give myself a break. And not hold myself accountable for any of the above. In fact, I will not feel remotely bad if I never complete or implement or even think about any of these above statements ever again.
I have a baby, for goodness' sake. Can you say BUSY?!